Building painter

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Building painter

A building painter is more than just someone that applies a layer of paint to a building. The job also includes covering the surfaces through masterful finishing, which contributes to the proper maintenance and longevity of your home.

Our team of building painters has excelled at this art since 2006. We can identify the maintenance needs and pinpoint the materials to be used for restoration and structural support, such as concrete, wood, brick, wrought iron, metal railings, plaster, and metal, pro-actively working to meet your expectations and cater to your tastes. A variety of steps are taken by our painters to create a clean and smooth base prepared for the application of the selected paint.

Usually, the building painter is among the last workers on a site, and they work alone or in a team, depending on the scope of the work needed. Each of our painters has hundreds of home renovations and has at least 10 years of experience. Our building painters are carefully selected and able to deliver unmatched quality of work in a very reasonable timeframe. In addition, we offer a warranty for up to three years on the work our team completes.

We always strive to offer comprehensive and efficient service, which is why we meet with you on the project site in order to conduct an accurate assessment of the work needed. While there, we give you expert advice on the necessary steps and then determine if the project requires the participation of a specialist beyond a building painter. Our estimates include labour, materials, and equipment, and are provided quickly, whenever possible.

Our team strength

Our painters have highly developed competence that enables them to properly identify restoration needs of buildings in Montreal and the surrounding area. We work with lofts, eaves, skylights, and plaster. Our services include measure to restore that great look to your apartment, building, or family home.

Do not hesitate to contact us for more information about our work process, turnaround time, cost, guarantees, etc. We operate in Montreal and area.



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Free Estimate

All estimates include:

- Up to 3 years guarantee on our work
- Satisfaction guaranteed
- Liability insurance of $ 2,000,000
- Responsible and environmentally debris

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